메인 컨텐츠 영역

  1. 1. Group Coaching
  2. 2. 5R Coaching Leadership Facilitator Program
  3. 3. Agile Training Program
  4. 4. Mentor Coaching
  5. 5. Coaching Supervision

Coaching Supervision

"Coach the coach" allows a candidate coach to develop through feedbacks from a high-level coach reviewing the demonstration of coaching skills and competency.

"Coach the coach" allows a candidate coach to develop through feedbacks from a high-level coach reviewing the demonstration of coaching skills and competency.

Coach the Coach

  1. The Characteristics of "Coach the Coach"

    Coach the Coach is different from mentor coaching in which a coachee experiences and learns from being coached by a higher level coach. It is not peer coaching where you practice coaching with other trainees. It is an important gateway that the coach must complete, along with the Mentor Coaching, in order to become a professional coach. Through Coach to Coach, the coachee will develop coaching skills, competencies and the coaching mindset. It will help the coach improve time management and their ability to ask timely questions effectively. The coach will be able to run coaching sessions naturally, comfortably and confidently.

  2. "Coach the Coach" Program Options

    Coach the Coach is similar to the format of the ICF's Supervision. It is conducted in the form of a 1 to 1 coaching between a candidate and a KPC or KSC coach, or in the form of a 1 to 2 coaching between a candidate and a KPC or KSC coach and a peer coachee. After the higher level coach observes the coaching session facilitated by the candidate, the KPC or the KSC will acknowledge and support the coachee, point out well done things and give clear feedback and comments on area of improvements.

  3. Certifications, requiring "Coach the Coach"

    Coach the Coach should be done before applying for a certification. In the case of KAC, it is not required. To apply for KPC, it is needed to have 5 hours, and for KSC, 10 hours are required. Each session should be less than 60 mins. At the same time, the hour of Coach the Coach is counted double, up to 120 minutes in calculating the practiced coaching hours. The coach must an active member of KPC/KSC, name and certificate number should be written a proper application form.

Guideline of the Korea Coaches Association

It is a kind of supervision which a valid higher level coach than KAC gives feedback, comments and coaching for a coachee after observing the coachee facilitate a coaching session. It is not considered as Coach the Coach if a coaching is performed between two coaches who are in the same level of coaching certification.

In the case of KAC candidates, they receive a Coach the Coach from KAC but, Coach the Coach is not a requirement to be certified.

  1. 01

    The hour of 1:1 or 1:2 Coach the Coach is counted as double. the doubled hours are limited by 2 hours. 1:1 couch the coach: 1 certified coach and 1 candidate. / 1:2 couch the couch: 1 certified coach and 2 candidates.

  2. 02

    The hour of Group Coach the Coach is calculated as normal, not doubled.
    * Group(3-5 people) coach the coach: 1 certified coach, 3-5 candidates.

  3. 03

    The hours of Coach the Coach can be reported by 25 hours in total.

  4. 04

    The hours of Coach the Coach is counted as non-paid coaching session.

Coach the Coach requirement for the qualification of each certification.

  • KAC

    Korea Associate Coach

    No required hours the total of 20 hours accepted.

  • KPC

    Korea Professional Coach

    the total of 10 hours in1:1 coaching required, more than 90 days duration

  • KSC

    Korea Superior Coach

    the total of 5 hours in1:1 coaching required, more than 60 days duration