메인 컨텐츠 영역

  1. 1. Certification Class for KAC·KPC
  2. 2. Sales Management Coaching
  3. 3. Career Learning Leadership Program
  4. 4. Character Leadership Program
  5. 5. Youth Dream-finding Leadership Program

Sales Management Coaching

Coaching Training for Sales Managers who Create the Strongest Sales Organizations.

In an extremely granular and demanding environment of sales, the concerns of sales managers are deepening daily. This program is designed to help sales managers effectively manage the members of their sales team and produce outstanding performance. In order to achieve the objectives of the sales force, customer expansion and etc., in the complex and demanding conditions of sales, sales managers can manage and feedback on sales representatives in a coaching manner, feedback them, and motivate them to achieve higher goals, so that they can better achieve the sales goals of businesses and organizations. Sales reps can also contribute to the growth of the company by expanding their relationships with customers of different dimensions.

About Program

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    Convenient and Reasonable

    Developing the ability to deeply disconnect the inner needs and feelings of the human being and to effectively achieve the purpose of sales

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    Gaining powerful motivational skills to improve sales individuals' performance

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    Acquiring opponent-centered coaching communication to create new sales opportunities

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    Self Coaching

    Learning self coaching skills, a sales person is able to manage his(her) emotions and thoughts on his(her) own

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    Changing Culture and Positive Mindset

    Equipping with a sales-oriented organizational culture that creates new approaching sales with future-oriented and positive mindset

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    Performance Derivation Techniques

    Managing teams according to the Sales Management System Process, anybody can achieve higher performance in the business

Managing teams according to the Sales Management System Process, anybody can achieve higher performance in the business