메인 컨텐츠 영역

The fastest growing coaching industry in the world

Coaching skills, which encourage individuals to be responsible and to achieve objectives rather than authoritarian orders or enforcements, strongly motivate individuals, leaders in organizations and team members to achieve their vision and purpose excellently through communication skills including questioning, active listening and feedback. Coaching skills also promote work performance, strengthening teamwork, establishing a culture of communication with the sense of partnership, and revitalizing relationships.

  1. Business

  2. Life

Coaching doesn't heal wounds of the past like counseling. It doesn't provide knowledge as a teacher does. It doesn't doesn't provide research as a consultant does to create a lot of proposals and material to report.

Coaching focuses on future solutions to create success and happiness with positive energy for clients.

“Coaching as partners has helped people
to make creative solutions for themselves”

If we don't find answers on our own from inside of us, we will rely on others and try to imitate them to find answers the outside. Many training programs have focused on giving answers directly to the participants, and enforce the participants to memorize the answer and to follow it. However, giving fixed answers to people will only create very passive talented people that relies only knowledge.

The Purpose of Coaching

  1. 01

    Has solution focused
    Future oriented
    and Problem solving ability.

  2. 02

    Effectively helps those
    who want to achieve
    their goals and performances.

  3. 03

    Makes relationships in the
    workplace and relationship with
    customers appropriately.

  4. 04

    Develops two-way communication
    skills that create trust and respect.

  5. 05

    As a coach leader, excellently
    achieves the objectives of self,
    organization, and corporate.

  6. 06

    empowers the value and meaning
    of own life to live a fulfilling
    and happier life.


Coaching brings out rapid change and growth.
What part of coaching causes such results?
  1. Question

    5R Coaching Conversation Model, future, affirmation, extended and open question.

  2. Listening

    others -oriented listening, 3F listening

  3. Feedback

    recognition, compliment, sandwich feedback

That's because of the structure of coaching communication skills includes questioning, active listening and feedback.

The effects of coaching are greatly powerful, but the methods of coaching is so simple, so anyone can easily use it in their lives. Asking them about their needs, listening to them about what they really want, and giving them feedback to help them to find their ways to do it and move forward, people are willing to take responsibility for themselves in their work and personal life and lead change and growth. Becoming a coach leader requires a gradual process of mastering the core skills based on Questioning, Active Listening and Feedback based on the basic philosophy of coaching: "Everyone has their own answers within themselves." If you are not an expert, the foundational training can help you to solve problems regarding your work and life, people around you, and organization. If you want to become a coaching professional, you can develop your skills and competencies at the beginner level, the intermediate level, and master level and achieve the work and life goals that you want to reach. If you become a coaching professional, you can achieve a wide range of influence and earn a high income as a professional coach.