메인 컨텐츠 영역

  1. 1. Work-Life Balance International Coaching Program
  2. 2. Coaching Basic
  3. 3. 5R Coaching Leadership
  4. 4. ICF Coachzing Core Competency Deepening Program
  5. 5. Work-Life Balance Life Coaching
  6. 6. Business Professional Coach Training
  7. 7. Emotional intelligence Coaching

ICF Credential Courses

Work-Life Balance International Coaching Program

Work-life balanced leader, who reaches his potentiality in business and enjoys personal life , gets respect.

The work-life balance international coaching program is designed to integrally develop coaching leadership which is necessary for leaders and talented individuals in the midst of global change. The course covers the use of key skills and tools that drive change and growth in the life and in business where they use of the core competencies of coaching. The training program is the a top-notch coaching course that is certified by both all domestic and foreign institutions, including ICF and KCA.

The Entire Structure of the Work-Life Balance International Coaching Course

워라밸 국제코치과정 전체 구조 설명

Professional coaches build a sort of continuous and professional relationships to help people achieve outstanding results in clients' lives, careers, businesses, organizations and more. Through the coaching process, clients deepen their learning, improve their achievement, and improve the quality of their lives.

About Program

  1. 01

    Theories and Skills

    Not only building up the understanding of basic theories of coaching, but also developing coaching skills through practices, simulations, discussions, exercises with partners and feedback.

  2. 02

    Able to respond to a wide range of customers

    The professional ability to deal with not only coaching with clients having life issues but also clients having various issues related to business, career, personal development, and relationship.

  3. 03

    The Best Coaching Certification

    Certificates in Korean and English are issued. it is accredited by the Korea Coaches Association as well as by the International Coaching Federation. The certificate fulfills the qualification for the process of accreditation indicating the best skilled coach.

  4. 04

    Generate High Profits

    As a professional coach, you can make profits through working with companies, organizations, and leaders who want to change and outcomes based on their needs and goals.


  1. 1. Module Coaching Basic

    Understanding the basic concepts and theories of coaching. Acquiring the most basic and core skills of coaching. Learning coaching skills in the early stage of solving and helping people to solve their issues in their work and life.

  2. 2. Module ICF Core Competencies

    Learning 11 coaching skills that ICF certified and that a professional coach should have to complete the advanced coaching practice. Developing your own coaching tools for use in your coaching practice. Acquiring the abilities of professionals to deal with work-life issues to solve such as business, life, and general.

  3. 3. Work-Life Balance Life Coaching

    Redefining an individual's values, vision, and purpose of life to make a balance between his or her work and personal life. Dealing with issues such as resources, obstacles and practices to help individual goals and dreams be fulfilled. Achieving the balance between work and personal life, you can live a stress-free and happy life.

  4. 4. Module Business Coaching

    It is a course to increase the capacity of leaders and organizations and to maximize their performance. You will develop the overall competencies, needed in business coaching, including goal derivation, through analyzing diagnosed test results both before and after, business coaching process, competency development and performance guidance models and motivation skills for members and customers.

  5. 5. Module Supervision and Mentor Coaching

    Experiencing group coaching, supervisions, 1:1 Mentor coaching to practice coaching competencies freely. A professional coach will supervise through observation, evaluation, and feedback through supervision and mentor coaching to strengthen your coaching competencies as a professional.

  6. 6. Module ACTP Course 125 Hours Training Completion

    After 90% of the whole course is participated and final projects are done, you will receive a certificate in Korean and English. After meeting the certain level of practiced time counting, you can apply for domestic and international coaching certification.


Completed 125 hours accreditation course of ICF, it is able to obtain the certificate of ACC, PCC, and MCC. The program consists of 5 different areas as followed.

Work-Life Balance International Coaching Program is for individuals who want to develop their potentiality and maturity, who want to balance and manage their lives both work and personal life, who is willing to innovate their organizations and achievement as leaders, who want to strengthen personal ability and work performance, CEOs, Executives, and Educators as a powerful and alternative method to learn. Accomplishing the Foundation of Coaching, ICF Core Competencies, Life Coaching, Business Coaching, Supervision and Mentor Coaching which are fundamental knowledge and skills, you can start your own coaching practice as a professional coach through obtaining domestic and international coaching certifications.

  • Foundation of Coaching

    It is the course, focusing on 5R Coaching Leadership Model, to learn the basic theories and philosophical foundation of coaching, questioning skills, active listening, feedback and people's behavioral styles. With those basic skills, you can help those who are around you. The 5R Coaching Model is the most basic and general coaching dialogue model designed using only the behavioral aspects of ICF Core Competency. Following 5R's process-Relationship, Refocus, Reality, Resources and Responsibility- you can drive changes in people's behavior and strengthen their ability to act.

  • ICF Core Competiences

    It is a course to acquire the core coaching skills of Global Standard of ICF which is certified and used in more than 140 countries. It is consisted of the intensive coaching skills that has certified by all domestic and international organizations such as KCA and ICF. First, you will build solid foundational theories of coaching and understand the meaning, purpose and principles of the skill intended to reach each competency of ICF. Through live demonstrations, practical exercises, feedback from experts, supervision and mentor coaching, you will embody the skills and competencies into your coaching practices. Business coaches and life coaches who are globally competent all make a difference in their clients' issues based on those skills and competencies. ICF Core Competency is the fundamental guide line that any coach must have.

  • Business Coaching

    Business coaching course is a professional coach training for organizational leaders such as CEOs, Executives, middle level managers. Business leaders are those who highly qualified people with many work and life experience and comparative strengths and advantages in the business area. These leaders need to get support to solve their complex and demanding agenda, to develop their work skills and leadership. So, coaches need to have background knowledge and competencies in this field. It is desirable that you start this training course after completing the Foundational Course and ICF Competences Course. However, if you start this course as your start-up learning, you will need to learn and develop more of those skills of coaching in the future. After this training, you are able to act as a professional coach to help leaders in the business.

  • Supervision

    To perform coaching skills in the real world, a coach needs to have an accurate understanding of skills and competencies standardized by the ICF and the coaching ability to use them. ICF Coaching Competency has a clear purpose and provides methods for each item. To get familiar with that competency to create questions and to increase the level of fulfilling the competency, it takes effort to understand the explanations in the detailed each sub-competency by a lot of practice and experience. Becoming a professional coach requires mentor coaching with a master coach, peer practice, and various styles of coaching experiences with real clients. Supervision, based on those experiences, is the process of observing and feedback on how you use ICF competencies effectively to find solutions within clients' issues.

  • Mentor Coaching

    Mentor coaching is the method of learning to strengthen the skills and competencies of the prospective coach, who has learned and developed coaching skills, giving clear feedback through observing the use of coaching skills. A mentor coach helps you draw a clear picture what position your skills and competencies are at in the development stages of your coaching skills. To be a professional coach, you need the truthful and accurate advice from a mentor coach. Through Feedback from the mentor coach, you will build up your characteristics, style, strengths, development points and future vision and direction to strengthen your expertise as a professional coach. After mentor coaching, coaches are able to expand their area of expertise with solid confidence as professionals in coaching world.

Mentor coaching is the method of learning to strengthen the skills and competencies of the prospective coach, who has learned and developed coaching skills, giving clear feedback through observing the use of coaching skills. A mentor coach helps you draw a clear picture what position your skills and competencies are at in the development stages of your coaching skills. To be a professional coach, you need the truthful and accurate advice from a mentor coach. Through Feedback from the mentor coach, you will build up your characteristics, style, strengths, development points and future vision and direction to strengthen your expertise as a professional coach. After mentor coaching, coaches are able to expand their area of expertise with solid confidence as professionals in coaching world.