메인 컨텐츠 영역

  1. 1. Certification Class for KAC·KPC
  2. 2. Sales Management Coaching
  3. 3. Career Learning Leadership Program
  4. 4. Character Leadership Program
  5. 5. Youth Dream-finding Leadership Program

Character Leadership Program

Character is the root where comes out intention, attitude, objective, relationship and action

Every baby is completely self-centered at birth. They don't have any morality, knowledge, or developed skills. That is why parents, teachers and socially conscious people should deliberately discipline children to develop good character. This course is for leaders who operate camps for character development in primary and secondary school students. Through this course, develop the ability of infants, children and adolescents to internalize essential qualities through education and experience based on their innate literacy and build them into leaders who have a positive impact on society.

“Character Training improves the values, leadership, morality, relationship skills, and self confidence. It is necessary to live a happy life which is the ultimate goal of human beings.”

About Program

  1. 01

    Improve Self-care Skills

    Strengthen the will to overcome / Build good habits / Restore self-esteem

  2. 02

    Coaching Ethics and Moral Skills Development

    Enhance judgment / good standards of conduct / Enhance accountability

  3. 03

    Building Happy Relationships

    Enhance empathy / a positive mindset / Strengthen human relationship skills

  4. 04

    Improve Learning Ability

    Develop concentration / Memory, Memorization / Test management ability

Character Development, step by step

  1. 1st Day

    Core Character Training which forms the basis of humanity. Active listening, obedience, order, caring, courage, integrity, honesty and responsibility

  2. 2nd Day

    Character training to strengthen social adaptability and relationship skills. Cooperation, Patience, Forgiveness, Loyalty, Trust, Confidence, Esteem, Creativity

  3. 3rd Day

    Character training to enable outstanding leadership in society. Wisdom, discernment, temperance, flexibility, determination, humility, tolerance, love


  1. 1. What is Character?

    The necessity and reasons of character education, how to operate a character training program.

    The meaning and value of character. Character training components, principles and applications

  2. 2. Basics of Coaching

    Understanding patience character and experiencing through models' stories Character in the stories: the temperature at160 degrees Celsius where cookies are cooked deliciously

    Team building: making a tower(blocks or papers) / marshmallow challenge
    Concentration training: finding numbers / brain training games
    Workbook: Creating patience required list.

  3. 3. Responsibility

    Understanding responsibility character and experiencing it through models' stories. Character in stories: The true responsible person, Abraham Lincoln.

    Set roles and goals to what to do.
    The importance of time management and how to use a planner. Workbook: Writing and Presenting a Positive Mission Statement.

  4. 4. Caring

    Understanding of caring character and experiencing through models' stories. Character in the stories: the supremacy of Alexander the Great

    Communication with empathy: happy conversation through positive language and empathy. Discussion: Indian Patriarchs' Association / Team building activities. Workbook: growing a care tree

  5. 5. Character Integration

    Strengthen core characters as a leader. Creating a road map to be a leader of character and presenting it.

    Plan for character leadership development
    matching partners for practice. Celebrating the completion of the course.

Why we Need

The reason, why character education is necessary, is that our society has become more interested in humanity recently, and the image of a talented individual whom the society and organizations demand have been changing. Education establishes the foundation of a person's life and a society's future. That is why the direction and the basic philosophy of education are more important than anything else. Although our country has experienced rapid economic growth in a short period of time, it has not focused on developing the character or competencies of its students. Educating students to develop righteous and wholesome humanity is the foundation for their excellent growth and power to create happiness for themselves. In addition, it is a prerequisite for being prepared as an outstanding person who can successfully respond to the society of the future. The ability to collaborate with people, the ability to communicate effectively with a wide variety of people, caring, kindness, manner, honesty, perseverance, courage and initiative are essential human qualities for social life. Character leaders are professionals who use coaching techniques to help students or adults to develop those important personalities.

Character leader level 2 certification program: 8 hours per day. 2days workshop, 20 practiced hours report required. Character leader level 1 certification program: 8 hours per day. 2days workshop, 20 practiced hours report required. If you want to enroll to the Level 1, you have to complete the Level 2 course first before you take the Level 1 program. After completing each course, if you pass the exam, you will be issued a civilian certificate.